Chi è Stato?

Chi è Stato

Pacta salone

The performance is a memorial for the victims of Piazza Fontana bombing, a terrorist attack occurred on 12 december 1969 when a bomb exploded at the headquarters of a bank in the center of Milan, killing 17 people and wounding 88.

A journey through memory and time shows 17 dancers on stage, as many as the victims of Piazza Fontana plus an eighteenth: the anarchist Pino Pinelli interpreted by Kea Tonetti. A sequence of 10 paintings tells the massacres, through the projection of images of the time: the victims “come back to life” to tell with their bodies – which become moving screens – those dramatic events.

The performance was later replicated at Palazzo Marino and Museo del Novecento.

Performance: Kea Tonetti, Elisa Ghion, Laura Bianco, Marika Canu, Silvia Fontana, Paola Iuvone, Lorenzo Lamanna, Caterina Mamoli, Noemi Manzo, Daniela Mastrantonio, Serena Mazzeri, Giulia Meduri, Rebecca Nunes, Alessio Pandiani,  Ricardo Sarmiento, Laura Schaaf, Stefano Vecchi, Veronica Vetrila, Giada Viteritti, Alessandra Zorzetto

Direction: Ferruccio Ascari

Choreography: Kea Tonetti

Photography: Sara Meliti

Production: Comitato Non Dimenticarmi

Duration: 30 min

Pacta salone, Milan – December 2019