Il tetto si è bruciato, ora posso vedere la luna

Il tetto si è bruciato, ora posso vedere la luna

Barn’s burnt down –
I can see the moon.

Butoh performance presented at the Festival Uovo Cosmico

The performance is named after Mizuta Masahide’s haiku. The idea of this project was inspired by the myth of Creation, Anima mundi, the Seed, the divine womb. It is the mysterious center around which unconscious energies produce spiraling evolutions, gradually bringing the vital substance to light. The Sun and the Moon, dualism recomposed in unity. Sun as invisible and infinitesimal point from which every living being originates, the creative fire within us, the quintessence or the golden germ. And the Moon as a reflection of the psyche is the “guardian of the seed” holding the subtle energy.

Dance: Veronica Vetrila

Music: Riccardo Kamara

Photography: Alice Giulia Dal Borgo

Duration: 1 h

Festival Uovo cosmico, Milan – June 2022