Butoh Dance performance directed by Joan Laage / Kogut Butoh
“Strata” explores personal and world legends layered with ancient philosophies, evoking the spirits of our ancestors.
The performance is inspired by the famous production “Dead Class” by Polish avant-garde director Tadeusz Kantor and the true story of a village in the Japanese countryside, where a woman builds human-sized dolls, placing them all over the village, thus finding a ritual way to repopulate and revive the currently deserted village.
Direction: Joan Laage
Performance: Kea Tonetti, Maruska Ronchi, Elisa Tagliati, Gauri Silvia Fontana, Giulia Leuzzi, Marco Casiraghi, Veronica Vetrila, Ricardo Sarmiento Muñoz
Costumes: Joan Laage, Veronica Vetrila, Marco Casiraghi
Photography: Sara Meliti
Duration: 1 h
Sala Alma Rosè – Artepassante, Milan – January 2022